emily: you then went on to the paypal mafia. reid: yes. who called who, how did that end up -- how did that happen? reid: i called peter, and peter said, 'oh, well, we're going to actually, probably going to sell paypal, because we don't have a business model' -- at the time -- but it would be really useful for us, because you know all this stuff. could you help us come organize the company and help sell it and everything else? and i said, 'well actually, i know all you guys, and if i would be helpful, i would be happy to step in and do that.' and of course, we didn't end up selling it, we ended up taking it public -- selling it to ebay after we took it public. and so what was supposed to be a six-month tour of duty turned into a three-year tour of duty. and, well, the paypal story is long and fun. emily: and legend. when did it start being called "the mafia?" reid: you know, i don't really know. it might have been with the "fortune" article. i am always a little hesitant about the term, because "mafia" implies dark rooms. extortionate pra