we put that in front of the payable. -- paywal. if you want to know how much a college president makes, how much harvard's endowment is, all that is behind the paywall, we will write stories in front of the pit wall to give the basic information, but if you wanted get deep into it, we put it behind the paywall. you see many new or organizations moving to the paywall model because news organizations need that revenue stream. unlike "the new york times," where they have made this mistake by treating all their content hosting, saying there is a meter and at some point you run out during the month, whether you have read our big investigation of obama, i think news organizations that treat their content that is a specialized, put that behind the paywall, those are the models that are growing to succeed in the future. >> thinking about the paywall, we are thinking about one platform. we're thinking about webb distribution of content. ahmacommoditization -- you are talking about differentiation. you start thinking about the role that i ha