fire officials have been through in recent days, i am joined on e phone by jeremy seigel of pbs station kqed's been reporting from butte county, the area of the cp fire, north of sacramento. jeremy seigel, thanks for making the time. you have covered wildfires in the past. what's unique about this one? >> well, as i was driving up, mean, just the intensity of the smoke. it was even flowing into the bay area. it was smokey down. there as i gotto close this region, it just became grayer and grayer, more smoke, and even as i was driving up the area, i was on what i thoug was a state route based on what i had looked at, and when i got closer to the area of paradise, it was completely blocked off by police. and you saw flames on the side of the highway. i started to see some of the confusion that residents have seen around here where th think they're taking the right road out of an area, they think they're evacuating the rig way and find there are flames right by or even on the road they were taking >> nawaz: as you said, it's not just the intensity of the fires, it was the speed with which they