the funds are allocated by the mpca annually and dispersed under pda article 3 of the nine county. as we have in the past, public works mta are submitted a joint countywide application. testing your committee packet are the budgets for the expenditure of the pda article article 3 funds by public works and mta. mta proposes to use 511,000 $511,040 for the engineering construction, maintenance, project management bicycle facility projects in san francisco. including spa treatment on the vision zero-injury network to improve the safety of cyclists. public works proposes to use $250,000 to repair public sidewalks at various locations in the city. the remaining $2500 -- the remaining $250,000 will be used for supplementary engineering training and design of programs at various sites throughout the secure location be selected from a list develop by public works and the mayor's office of disability. curb ramps designed with this grant will be constructed in the next fiscal year, fiscal year 6-17, from prop k the local sales tax measure. the mpc does not require the counties to provide loc