of course, the one everybody knows about is the pdb, the presidents' daily brief, which is a took with a series of intelligence pieces that a briefer comes in, hands to the president of the united states, and walks the president through piece by piece. some presidents get the briefing book before and dispense meeting with the briefer. some presidents get the briefing book before, and then talk about it with the briefer. president bush was someone who could actually read and listen at the same time. i have trouble doing either one, but certainly have trouble doing both at the same time. he could both listen and read at the same time. and he started his day six days a week with that briefing. consuming intelligence pleemean that you are not necessarily passive. but he would ask questions, and he would push, and he would many times say, now i'm not pressing you to change your opinions, i'm not pressing you to change your opinions, but i want to test you, because i want to know what you know, and i want to know how confident you are in what you're telling me. because that allows a presiden