up, brakelooks up, brake lights and big brown p >> you should know, if you're driving,r driving,pdriving, riding behind a u.p.s. truck,r truck, theyp truck, they do maker >> they stop>> they stop ar >> i have>> i have morer >> i have>> i have out. dusty darkp dusty dark highway, headlights inin yourr in your facein your face and r >> what's that>> what's that guy t >> >> dopeyr >> dopey is>> dopey isp >> dopey is walking>> dopey is walking down >> dopey is walking down the p dashcam car, pulls a u-turn, headsr heads heads back, green light. >> oh, no. >> >> t >> r >> fieldp >> field goal>> field goal right there with thethe uprights. >> p >> i don't know what those peopler people arepeople are doing people are doing inrpeople are doing in the crosswalk,crosswalk, the light is obviouslyp obviously green right there. >> r p >> trying to race acrossr the van onp the van on thethe van on the right stops for herr her for some r she nearlyshe nearly gotp she nearly got wiped out. >> oh!p >>> we hear stories>>> we hear stories ofr >>> we hear stories of shopliftingshoplifting allp shoplifting a