i have witnessed depression, pervasive anxiety, pdsd, shaking of hand and voice and even though she has sought continuous treatment these symptoms persist. i feel angry that my closest friend was taken away from me. sorry is my time over? >> yeah. >> i support the opening of the sharp office. >> i speak today as an advocate and seven year survivor. my experiences through people that i have met, my friend and my clients and delays and responses to survivors delay it is healings of our individuals and communities. these traumas are deep-seeded. of the hundreds of people that i have met, i have known less than five that come forward. it's important that when someone does report that we take it seriously and respected. there are many out there, queer, trance, people of color that are treated unfairly every single day. we need to report if we are ever going to make a difference. >> any other member of the public that would like to speak in seeing none, public comment is closed. i would like to make a few comments and -- i know cheryl davis was here but i don't see her now. i want to thank fr