jak peacefuprotest, peacefuprotest.verybodyas chantinghat. um,he cops stillidn'listen.l attackedhis kid thin the par itself,nough toake him need aambulancride on e way ot. and ihink it ally fuel the intsity on e march after tt. [drs beatin protetors chaing: allay, all wee occupy ll stree all da all wee.. nicol on loudeaker: a righ so the st tool have he is our ices. sohat we' gonna right n is we're gonnaractice e peopl's mi until t people all the way in the back can hear what we have to say. jos there w over 3200 people o here, eecially ter theviction. got otionathat dayi could't help it. nicole: at was azing to e all thospeople ifoley square.t was rely good ergy thatight, anit was rlly like a sign of relief, li a kind beginni to heal rom the auma a ltle bit a realizeok, actuly eryone's behindou. jake: itas just eat to s nefaces o in the reets th us, cnting, "we are the 99%. ose stres? our seets. this is at democcy looks like."he foleyquare, w- it was e first me that reized thaeveryones in this movent togeer. um, matter at your lk of li, whereou came om, wheryou live. j