>>er fans are going off, pean believe it to be too light skinned and didn't even look lie beyons.r figure. the fans are still unimpressed say it is plain crazy to say this looks anything like the real singer. >> trevor: this is why diversity in the workplace matters. a black person with have never let that fly, never. now people at mad am tussaud will be looking for kayne west after every corn he they walk by, is he here. they need a help line that white folk can call before they make these mistakes. just call and be like you've reached black checker kiki speaking, no, miley, you still can't twerk, baby, bye bye now, bye bye. (applause) what was mad am tussaud thinking. do we need a beyonce who can't dance or sing? i mean we already have mariah carry. i mean-- don't boo. i up stand the outrage. i understand the outrage it is important to get beyonce's blackness right. she represents empower am for many black women and her blackness is one of her defining features. you can't just exclude that. it would be like a wax-- without wax hostages. it wouldn't be true. to be fair, to be fai