across the pearl river, the invisible line that seems to separate black mississippi from white. and while in jackson anderson's killing has prompted marches and a call for healing, in brandon the reaction has been mostly silent. >> drew griffin joins us with this hearing that's taking place, and, drew, it's really when you hear the story, it's kind of hard to understand and believe, but this was a group of teenagers who went looking, right, for a black man and ended up beating him up and then running the car over him afterwards? >> right. what was so heinous about this crime and why it immediately appeared to be -- nothing but a hate crime was these kids basically went on a hunt. they went hunting for a black person to mess with. that's by their own words, by their own words told to police, by witnesses. they found a black guy, they beat him up and daryl deadman was charged with driving over him and killing him as kind of like a last step in that night. now, today we understand daryl deadman will plead guilty to murder in hinds county criminal court, and we're not quite sure of