we're going to get squeezable honey, cinnamon shaker, easy peasy, good to go. >> i'm fascinated. >> happye wild. >> the beauty is, too, you don't need plates. bachelor style cooking. >> this stuff is really easy to carry, foil, banana, cinnamon, honey, boom, got it. >> every flavor works together. works together. the banana, the honey, cinnamon on type ties it together. >> a healthy desert for children, right? i think people like this. >> i like this. >> what forethought to document food and techniques throughout the entire journey. this is amazing and delicious. >> super proud of these guys. if you want a copy of dirty dining, adventurers to the website. >> or go to our mobile app. >>> answer the question. how are you doing, dmitry? as you see here, not well. >> a rat's nest of streams that are supposed to be supporting him. >> you're absolutely right. this guy is skydiving. a canopy, orange and white. that's the reserve chute. trailing behind him on the side, a blue and white parachute that is not operating the way it should be. you can see all that rat's nest string all around him. he'