they are doing very difficult, very tough things economically to improve the pros peblgts for long-term growth to make it easier to start a company. lower the costs, make themselves more competitive to reduce their long-term fiscal deficits and to restructure the financial system. i think this is something they can manage. i think they've made that fateful choice that they're going to do what it takes to make europe work. >> there are five more job reports before now and election day. one just days before november sixth. what is your outlook for any real improvement barring some shocks, european and otherwise that would change it. but given the current situation, how much improvement can we expect? >> most people say they still think the economy's going to grow at a roughly 2% rate over the next 18 months or so. some people say it should be two to three. some people 2.5 to 3.5. that's the outlook they say. that's recognizing the pressures we see ahead from europe and elsewhere. and of course that's not -- that growth is not strong enough to make a lot more progress getting more american