. -- recon -- pecan helill. what are some of your thoughts on this issue and what are the principles that you will be using to guide you through this process? rex cup -- >> coming out of the seattle/tacoma area i saw what happened with the seattle sonics. i have to listen to the business trinity, the board of supervisors, and there's always a controversy. i have to listen and be objective and then make my decision after a do a lot of soul-searching. >> what are some potential concerns that you want to keep a close eye on in this project? >> i like -- i think that some people like things to stay as the status quo. i think some people wear our roads being blocked, some worry about congestion, crime, parking, some worry that the giants stadium is too close. >> those are highlights of the concerns that have come up. have you attended a meeting of the board commission? rex know, i have not. >> have you been able to watch it -- >> no, i have not. >> have you been able to watch it in other capacity? >> no, ma'am. chair