ocean city officials are moving quickly to ban salvia, pecos inject sperm that can be bought in many boardwalk chops. -- an herb that can be bought in many boardwalk shops. it affects generally no longer last no more than one hour. more than hundred pet owners are gathering to fight. last night was the first set to allow pet owners to let their pets run free during certain parts of the day without putting the public at risk. >> there is a place for everyone in our parks. you want to make sure they are safe, so we want to make sure we establish areas that are not close to a playground, courts, so that everyone can have a good time and feel safe. >> plans are being worked out for an off-leash permit that would cost -- cost the owner $25 a year. despite his wish to stay with the team, the baltimore oriole's cheryl has been traded to the los angeles dodgers. cheryl about 20 saves for the orioles this year, going to 18 at the bottom of the league to one that is succeeding. cal ripken is making a big contribution to rundown neighborhoods. he is planning on building five ball fields. it wil