for many people, automatic sharing is how they share ideas peculi . facebook utilize a one time option a durable sharing option. take a person that is a video watcher watching 100 short videos per week, she wants to share every video she watches just as she shares every song she listens to and as she shares every item she reads online through a facebook social sharing app but current law suggests that she is not fit to make this decision. should this video file have to opt in 100 times a week. does it do any service other than to annoy her. the constant interruption hails back to the time when pop ups had to be clicked on every time. in contrast to the restrictions of the vppa, there are no legal restrictions for her to share every e-book. she can share the fact that she read the book but the law stands in the way of her sharing the fact that she watched the movie. that makes no sense. of course, not everyone wants to share their viewing experiences with their friends online and they do not voluntahave to shar. if a person wants to share on a case by