whizzing past pedestrianses.sidewalk, off the sidewalk, dodging all kinds of different obstacles. >> that makes me want to learn how to rollerblade because how many times have we been running really late to the airport and wish we could do this? weave through traffic. you don't have to stop at stop lights. you just go. >> doesn't look like is he carrying a very heavy bag. doesn't look like he has lots of hair products. >> shoes. shoes, bag full of shoes to slow me down. shoes. >> he makes good time. th then wears the blades in the airport too. you don't have to dodge a bunch of people. >> it has been a while, but it's finally pick time once again. first up, some adult l-e-d shoes. >> the kids wear these. >> these are cooler than the blinking kid shoe. it has different colors of light, and the lights react to movement. >> you can see, like, michael jackson in the billie jean video where he is walking on those platforms and they're lighting up. >> now, tell us exactly how these l-e-d adult shoes work. our expert ba