boston, con visited the pedic unit to spread some cheer. they are the real heroes. -- captain america, iron man and spidey were all there for the big bash which the kids clearly enjoyed. heather: that is a good moment. >> he is adorable. >> that was cool. they are heroes without having to be superheroes. >>> tonight, as we come on the air, the deadly explosion. and right now, the search for the missing. a massive fireball rocking that apartment building, and this evening, search teams remain on the scene. the investigation now, into what caused this. >>> also breaking tonight, the new roller coaster accident, this time, a 3-year-old air just the last week. >>> the moment of misfire. the wife and retired librarian shot and killed in a safety exercise, and new tonight here, the moments before it happened. the officer raising a gun, not realizing it was loaded. >>> tonight, authorities want your help after two cases of road rage. the woman, waving her gun, and the other case, a driver firing