that the community didn't go to war, you know, 1 percent of the country went to war and the peer research group released a study just a couple of months ago where they actually surveyed americans. and, um, asked them questions about the extent to which this past decade of war has impacted their lives in any meaningful way. and the majority of americans responded, really, a decade of war hasn't impacted me at all. and further, upwards to 80 percent of americans said that they really don't understand the issues and challenges facing the community of veterans. so, i think as we talk about addressing issues like suicide and the extent to which we need to educate the family, um, it's critical that we also broaden that focus with regard to educating all of america with regard to the issues facing this community. so, that there really can be that broad-based community support. i think there is this issue relative to the discussion of suicide, that i had mentioned, that is important. and i think it is the difficulty, the discrimination, and the myths about the way you have to engage to talk about suici