you look at michele bachmann, you look at rick peery. >> charlie: when mitt romney says he's against the deal, why. >> he doesn't want to own it. he wanted to be away from washington and answering not just for the deal but what happens with the super committee. let's said he embrace it and the super committee came out and endorsed the tax increase. he has to say i made a mistake, i didn'tnow thimonster was going to be created. i don't think the way he executed his distance from it was particularly good. but he put out a printed stement, he didn't really own it. i think he should at least make a youtube video where he owned it more and showed people the logic and passion of his position. i think from a political point of view on the merits liked the deal or not. the political point of view he was smart to distance himself from it. >> charlie: mcconne's argument is we don't want to own this economy, we want this to be obama's economy. >> yes. and this is the, and i think there's a problem, there's a little bit of problem for romney in the context, in the way in which he handled this, n