believing in pegasys, being 8 years old, he was my personal hero and because i loved horses so much,saw the name on the list of the pictures the studio might make that year, i thought could you imagine if i fell uphill and got that lucky, i didn't dare dream that big, so i am pinching myself, i am happy. >> so you always admired secretary, this is a dream come true in that way? >> i just spend some time with the real penny, the living legend she is and busted through that glass ceiling in a sport for men, she was raised in horse breeding and she knew what she was doing and she never stopped to the media's level by using the word housewife like it was a dirty word. she was like a dog that didn't bark, she would bite. >> this is newsweek. >> this is all this talk about super horse, she broke the derby record, he ran the second fastest derby ever. >> well i would have to say i agree completely with mr. martin, his horse did run the second best. >> that press conference was a prime example, she dealt with a lot of family tension, her husband was not pleased with the decision to take over