Jan 28, 2025
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peggy: la temporada de impuestos comenzÓ hoy, lo que no agrada muchos. >> da mucho estrÉs.o 50 y la mÍnima del 10% para ingresos de 11.925 o menos. la deducciÓn estÁndar serÁ de $ 15.000 para solteros y de $ 30.000 para casados, tambiÉn el programa direct file se ampliÓ a 25 estados. recibirÁ un formulario 1099 si los pagos que obtuvo por bienes y servicios online suman $ 5000. >> familias que tengan un ingreso de menos de $ 58.000 y tengan al menos tres niÑos, pueden obtener parte del crÉdito por hijo ganado. peggy: en cuanto a formas de maximizar sus reembolsos algunos contadores recomiendan escoger el estatus de declaraciÓn en conjunto con su cÓnyuge o por separado, revisar gastos mÉdicos o donaciones que se podrÍan deducir y aprovechar los crÉditos u otras deducciones. >> aquellas personas que tienen casas y el mÁximo $ 10.000 por el impuesto de bienes raÍces. peggy: la fecha lÍmite para presentar la declaraciÓn de impuestos es el 15 de abril a menos que solicite una extensiÓn o haya sido afectado por desastres naturales como los incendios en los Ángeles. eliÁn: gracias
peggy: la temporada de impuestos comenzÓ hoy, lo que no agrada muchos. >> da mucho estrÉs.o 50 y la mÍnima del 10% para ingresos de 11.925 o menos. la deducciÓn estÁndar serÁ de $ 15.000 para solteros y de $ 30.000 para casados, tambiÉn el programa direct file se ampliÓ a 25 estados. recibirÁ un formulario 1099 si los pagos que obtuvo por bienes y servicios online suman $ 5000. >> familias que tengan un ingreso de menos de $ 58.000 y tengan al menos tres niÑos, pueden...
Jan 7, 2025
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peggy: el plan busca reducir atascos.llaman un impuesto mÁs. >> los gastos pasarÁn al cliente y creo que ya hay bastantes gastos. : el impacto tambiÉn lo puede sentir los clientes de comercio. >> los que traen la ropa que se cambian los muchachos, otros $25. los que traen productos como vegetales, $50 extras. peggy: otras ciudades pueden seguir los pasos. donald trump prometiÓ eliminarlo cuando asuma su cargo, pero no estÁ claro si lo harÁ. ilia: quien hasta hace poco era un gobernante muy popular, decidiÓ renunciar al gobierno de canadÁ tras una discusiÓn muy polÍtica. [habla en inglÉs] ilia: en esta conferencia de prensa, dijo que tenÍa la intenciÓn de dimitir y que lo harÁ despuÉs de que el partido liberal elija a un nuevo lÍder. una medida aumentarÍa los pagos del seguro social. elian: estaremos hablando de una medida que estarÁ beneficiando aproximadamente 3 millones de empleados. maestros, bomberos y otros trabajadores que estarÍan recibiendo las pensiones. las autoridades sanitarias estÁn preocupadas y todo esto po
peggy: el plan busca reducir atascos.llaman un impuesto mÁs. >> los gastos pasarÁn al cliente y creo que ya hay bastantes gastos. : el impacto tambiÉn lo puede sentir los clientes de comercio. >> los que traen la ropa que se cambian los muchachos, otros $25. los que traen productos como vegetales, $50 extras. peggy: otras ciudades pueden seguir los pasos. donald trump prometiÓ eliminarlo cuando asuma su cargo, pero no estÁ claro si lo harÁ. ilia: quien hasta hace poco era un...
Jan 14, 2025
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peggy: ocupantes serÁn reubicados en un albergue en el cronos.es. ilia: 35 estados del paÍs estÁn en alerta por la cuatridemia, 3 virus respiratorios y 1 virus estomacal. reportera: nos llena dios de salud advierten del aumento de enfermedades respiratorias en 35 estados. el doctor guillermo santos lo vivÍa diario en su prÁctica. >> hemos visto un aumento bastante grande. personas que estÁn llamando porque tienen enfermedad respiratoria. >> un poco frustrante, me di cuenta que con este tipo de virus, hay un poco de incertidumbre, aÚn en el personal mÉdico disponible para atender a uno, porque son cosas nuevas, sÍntomas combinados. reportera: ya se reportan mÁs de 5 millones de casos y cerca de 3000 muertes. >> es una recombinaciÓn entre 2 que ya eran bastante malas y tiene una mutaciÓn encima de eso. reportera:m recientemente otro virus ha estado ganando atenciÓn. se sabe que hay casos, aunque es difÍcil de diagnosticar. para todos las recomendaciones son vacunarse, quedarse en casa si estÁ enfermo, cubrirse al toser y lavarse las manos con frecu
peggy: ocupantes serÁn reubicados en un albergue en el cronos.es. ilia: 35 estados del paÍs estÁn en alerta por la cuatridemia, 3 virus respiratorios y 1 virus estomacal. reportera: nos llena dios de salud advierten del aumento de enfermedades respiratorias en 35 estados. el doctor guillermo santos lo vivÍa diario en su prÁctica. >> hemos visto un aumento bastante grande. personas que estÁn llamando porque tienen enfermedad respiratoria. >> un poco frustrante, me di cuenta que...
Jan 2, 2025
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peggy: para prevenirlo las autoridades levantan barreras de concreto.naza por completo. fÉlix: y siguiendo en nueva york, hoy acusaron de intento de asesinato y asalto al hombre de 23 aÑos que segÚn la policÍa empujÓ a otro hombre a los rieles del tren subterrÁneo. un aparente ataque al azar. el acusado tiene antecedentes criminales que incluye asalto a un agente de la ley, acoso y posesiÓn de armas de fuego y la vÍctima de 45 aÑos sufriÓ una lesiÓn en la cabeza y la fractura de una costilla,y se encuentra estable en el hospital, y en las vegas, se investiga tambiÉn como un posible acto de terrorismo, la explosiÓn incendio de un tesla en las afueras del hotel trump de la ciudad. la compaÑÍa automotriz es de elon musk. vamos con berenice zÚÑiga a las vegas con el reporte de este hecho que dejÓ una persona muerta y siete heridos. berenice: buenas tardes. me encuentro muy cerca del estacionamiento del hotel trump, donde esta maÑana una explosiÓn sorprendiÓ a residentes y turistas del Área. en un comunicado de prensa se dio a conocer que alrededor de las 8:
peggy: para prevenirlo las autoridades levantan barreras de concreto.naza por completo. fÉlix: y siguiendo en nueva york, hoy acusaron de intento de asesinato y asalto al hombre de 23 aÑos que segÚn la policÍa empujÓ a otro hombre a los rieles del tren subterrÁneo. un aparente ataque al azar. el acusado tiene antecedentes criminales que incluye asalto a un agente de la ley, acoso y posesiÓn de armas de fuego y la vÍctima de 45 aÑos sufriÓ una lesiÓn en la cabeza y la fractura de una...
Jan 30, 2025
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peggy: llorando soplÁndose la nariz y con la voz entre cortado el ex senador bob menÉndez de 71 aÑoslo habÍa perdido todo y le pidiÓ piedad a un juez momentos antes que lo sentenciarÁ a 11 aÑos en prisiÓn. " soy inocente voy a presentar una apelaciÓn, este proceso ha sido una cacerÍa de brujas por el departamento de justicia" agregÓ que donald trump tenÍa razÓn su abogado pidiÓ una sentencia de 8 aÑos en prisiÓn la fiscalÍa de 15. >> cuando dicen de 11 aÑos van a ser 9 aÑos y medios. peggy: fue una caÍda estrepitosa para una de las voces mÁs poderosas de el senado en corte se mostrÓ serio resaltÓ sus logros extraordinarios como servidor pÚblico y estuvo acompaÑado de su familia, segÚn la fiscalÍa abusÓ de su poder y el juez dijo que perdiÓ el rumbo y trabajÓ por su propio bien. >> el juez en le mando un mensaje no sÓlo al acusado a todos los senadores y todos los congresistas de este paÍs. peggy: en julio menÉndez fue declarado culpable de aceptar sobornos en lingote de oro ciento de miles de dÓlares que fueron hallados en chaquetas y botas en su casa un auto de lujo a cambio de favo
peggy: llorando soplÁndose la nariz y con la voz entre cortado el ex senador bob menÉndez de 71 aÑoslo habÍa perdido todo y le pidiÓ piedad a un juez momentos antes que lo sentenciarÁ a 11 aÑos en prisiÓn. " soy inocente voy a presentar una apelaciÓn, este proceso ha sido una cacerÍa de brujas por el departamento de justicia" agregÓ que donald trump tenÍa razÓn su abogado pidiÓ una sentencia de 8 aÑos en prisiÓn la fiscalÍa de 15. >> cuando dicen de 11 aÑos van...
Jan 4, 2025
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peggy carranza nos cuenta.veces, esto despuÉs de un altercado por quiÉn habÍa comprado primero el emparedado. >> desde que le pregunte si habÍa algo para mÍ, medio que no, pasaron 15 minutos y le acaban de preguntar a otro. reportera: un trabajador dice que lo separa durante la pelea. ella le escupiÓ, Él se molestÓ, ella tomÓ el cuchillo. el servicio de inspecciÓn postal dijo que tienen mÁxima prioridad con los asuntos en relaciÓn a la seguridad de sus empleados. >> es muy triste de lo que hizo. mucho cuidado. todo los bodegueros piden mÁs seguridad. >> tenemos que hablar de entrenamiento las es mÁs que estÁn dormidas en la bodega. cruz enfrente cargos de asesinato y segundo grado. la ciudad de nueva york, univisiÓn. presentador: ahÍ se reunieron con el fiscal del distrito de los Ángeles un grupo de familiares y simpatizantes de los hermanos menÉndez para solicitar un nuevo proceso. inicia el sÁbado los homenajes pÓstumos al expresidente jimmy pÓstumos al expresidente jimmy carter. tu educación es posible con s
peggy carranza nos cuenta.veces, esto despuÉs de un altercado por quiÉn habÍa comprado primero el emparedado. >> desde que le pregunte si habÍa algo para mÍ, medio que no, pasaron 15 minutos y le acaban de preguntar a otro. reportera: un trabajador dice que lo separa durante la pelea. ella le escupiÓ, Él se molestÓ, ella tomÓ el cuchillo. el servicio de inspecciÓn postal dijo que tienen mÁxima prioridad con los asuntos en relaciÓn a la seguridad de sus empleados. >> es...
Jan 28, 2025
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peggy, adelante. peggy: hola, ¿quÉ tal? buenas tardes. de los edificios donde se habrÍan realizado uno de estos operativos. aquÍ arrestaron a un hombre que aparentemente es dominicano. segÚn cnn, se trata de un hombre que aparentemente era buscado por la interpol, por homicidio. tuvimos la oportunidad de conversar con una mujer que vivÍa en la misma vivienda que ese sujeto. ella nos dice que era un hombre trabajador, que no entiende lo que pasÓ, que los agentes llegaron acÁ pidiendo documentos. tambiÉn, como saben, se ha realizado diferentes operativos en diferentes lugares de aquÍ del bronx. tambiÉn estuvimos en otra Área, donde precisamente estuvo el secretario de seguridad nacional, kristi noem. ella dice que ahÍ arrestaron a un supuesto miembro de la banda venezolana, el tren de aragua, que supuestamente era buscado por asalto, robo y secuestro. mientras tanto, otras agencias federales han revelado diferentes votos, a travÉs de la redes sociales x, que muestran mÚltiples detenidos. esto mientras ice ha dicho que por ahora estÁn enfoca
peggy, adelante. peggy: hola, ¿quÉ tal? buenas tardes. de los edificios donde se habrÍan realizado uno de estos operativos. aquÍ arrestaron a un hombre que aparentemente es dominicano. segÚn cnn, se trata de un hombre que aparentemente era buscado por la interpol, por homicidio. tuvimos la oportunidad de conversar con una mujer que vivÍa en la misma vivienda que ese sujeto. ella nos dice que era un hombre trabajador, que no entiende lo que pasÓ, que los agentes llegaron acÁ pidiendo...
Jan 20, 2025
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busy that donald trump's policy, well peggy would tell you it's a result of mismanagement. well if they believe it's climate change, then they should have prepared adequately for it. if the climate has changed, then they should have adjusted to california would tell you that that's what they've been doing with eric. sorry, that is already on. that's absolutely right. and i think what we're thing now is donald trump's policies on climate are certainly going to come under the spotlight . in fact, what we're seeing right now is many of these executive orders that donald trump is going to sign and will be to undo a number of those borders. a number of those policies that were implemented by the find administration. and we know the binding ministration was very aggressive on this issue of climate. and so i think what we're going to see now is a pushing pool between the federal government led by donald trump and many of those space that actually wants to see the country do more, not less on this issue of climate policy. but since we're on climate, donald trump says that he's pull
busy that donald trump's policy, well peggy would tell you it's a result of mismanagement. well if they believe it's climate change, then they should have prepared adequately for it. if the climate has changed, then they should have adjusted to california would tell you that that's what they've been doing with eric. sorry, that is already on. that's absolutely right. and i think what we're thing now is donald trump's policies on climate are certainly going to come under the spotlight . in fact,...
Jan 30, 2025
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satcha: peggy carranza estÁ en new york y nos habla de dos incidentes en 2001 y 2009, adelante.e los residentes mÁs mortÍferos ocurriÓ en noviembre del 2001 cuando un vuelo de american airlines, el 587 que iba rumbo a repÚblica americana se estrellÓ en una zona residencial, en ese caso mueren unas 260 personas, fueron todas las que iban a bordo, en el mismo rÍo, en washington, un aviÓn de air florida se desplomÓ y causÓ la muerte de 70 personas, asÍ provocaron cambios como que por ejemplo los copilotos ahora deben tener 1500 horas de vuelo como los pilotos para recibir una certificaciÓn, anteriormente sÓlo requerÍan unas 250 horas, tambiÉn se hizo reportes y reformas en su diseÑo, hay nuevas capacitaciones para pilotos, diseÑo, hay nuevas capacitaciones para pilotos, vuelvo con ustedes. por fin, tengo un consejo para mi mama. mami es hora de cambiar, tu viejo desmaquillante por garnier micellar water. remueve el maquillaje suavemente sin necesidad de enjuagar. deja la piel limpia, con una sensación suave e hidratada por 12 horas. me la quedo! de garnier, naturalmente! ♪febreze♪
satcha: peggy carranza estÁ en new york y nos habla de dos incidentes en 2001 y 2009, adelante.e los residentes mÁs mortÍferos ocurriÓ en noviembre del 2001 cuando un vuelo de american airlines, el 587 que iba rumbo a repÚblica americana se estrellÓ en una zona residencial, en ese caso mueren unas 260 personas, fueron todas las que iban a bordo, en el mismo rÍo, en washington, un aviÓn de air florida se desplomÓ y causÓ la muerte de 70 personas, asÍ provocaron cambios como que por...
Jan 11, 2025
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i'm so glad you can be with him, peggy. thank you so much. we really we wish you all the best. and we hope for much better times. but thank you for joining us. >> you're welcome. thank you for having me. >> still ahead, crews working around the clock to contain the wildfires, threatening tens of thousands of additional homes in los angeles county. we're now learning the atf will take the lead in trying to figure out what was the cause of the pacific palisades fire. we're going to have an update for you on that ahead. you're in the cnn newsroom the whole story with anderson cooper tomorrow at 8:00 on cnn. >> celebrate mouthwatering moments with omaha steaks end of season event. for a limited time, we're offering 50% off site wide. that's 50% off all your favorites. this is the perfection. what better way to celebrate than with the rich, decadent quality of something you know you'll love? order now and get eight burgers free with your order. visit omaha steaks.com/tv today to find all our end of season savings. >> this is the carry on closet. the suitcase with a one of a kind clo
i'm so glad you can be with him, peggy. thank you so much. we really we wish you all the best. and we hope for much better times. but thank you for joining us. >> you're welcome. thank you for having me. >> still ahead, crews working around the clock to contain the wildfires, threatening tens of thousands of additional homes in los angeles county. we're now learning the atf will take the lead in trying to figure out what was the cause of the pacific palisades fire. we're going to...
Jan 13, 2025
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joining me now is peggy holter. she lost her home in the palisades fire. peggy, i am so sorry to hear that you have lost the home that i think you've had since the late 70s in the pacific palisades. this is a lifetime of memories. and home is always a comfort to to all of us. what have you experienced because of this fire? >> well, first of all, you're right. i lived there since january 1st of 1978, and it was just up about two miles up from sunset boulevard on palisades drive. and over the years, there have been little fires. and we knew there was a fire because the big one, the big palisades fire, started just up the street from us. and then when we started down, we got the evacuation notices. we started down the road, which is the only way in and out of that canyon was clogged with cars who had started down. and so we turned around and went back and waited and waited. and finally we found that we could go out. and it was, you know, it was terrible. but at a certain level, i just assumed, oh, it'll be okay, you know? and then, um, it wasn't okay. and our
joining me now is peggy holter. she lost her home in the palisades fire. peggy, i am so sorry to hear that you have lost the home that i think you've had since the late 70s in the pacific palisades. this is a lifetime of memories. and home is always a comfort to to all of us. what have you experienced because of this fire? >> well, first of all, you're right. i lived there since january 1st of 1978, and it was just up about two miles up from sunset boulevard on palisades drive. and over...
Jan 31, 2025
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we had to rebuild from grassroots up, and we discovered champions like peggy fleming, who won within a couple years of that. so we've done it before and skaters are strong. and nancy kerrigan said today earlier, we learn how to fall and get up and brush ourselves and move on. i think we will band together, become stronger and face the future together. yeah, you bring some really good, valuable perspective for all of us. and you mentioned peggy fleming alongside you and kristi yamaguchi, all gold medalists from the bay area. brian boitano, thank you for your time tonight. have a good evening. thanks, raj. let's move on now. the faa report indicates staffing at reagan national was not normal for the amount of traffic at that hour. usually one controller handles planes, while another air traffic controller handles the helicopters. last night there was only one controller handling both at the time of the crash. it's not ideal, but it does fit within the faa standards. investigators say the best clue into what went wrong may be the last communication from the controllers. asking the helic
we had to rebuild from grassroots up, and we discovered champions like peggy fleming, who won within a couple years of that. so we've done it before and skaters are strong. and nancy kerrigan said today earlier, we learn how to fall and get up and brush ourselves and move on. i think we will band together, become stronger and face the future together. yeah, you bring some really good, valuable perspective for all of us. and you mentioned peggy fleming alongside you and kristi yamaguchi, all...
Jan 12, 2025
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en la ciudad de nueva york, peggy carranza nos da los detalles nn6_aumenta_us uario_subwa_pe gg_pkg.mptomatillo ocultaba las 2 toneladas de droga los houston texans eliminan a los angeles chargers y siguen su camino al super bowl shopify helps you sell at every stage of your business. so you can sell it online, take it in person and go big. like a million orders big. whatever the stage, businesses that grow grow with shopify. y tambien en marcas nuevas como siempre en gangas and deals te brindo un acceso semanal exclusivo a ofertas flash en marcas que ya conoces y tambien en marcas nuevas que se te encantaran&. si ves este codigo en tu pantalla recuerda que lo puedes escanear, para ir directo a shopunivision.c om y aproveches estas ofertas. hoy les voy a compartir un producto que los hara verse espectaculares &un producto que les cambiaran la vida. asi que e damos la bienvenida por peticion popular a la dra. mar rivero. gracias por la invitcion! cuentanos porque este colageno nos va a cambiar la vida?? explica que lo diferencia de otros que hay en el mercado? explica en cuanto tiempo v
en la ciudad de nueva york, peggy carranza nos da los detalles nn6_aumenta_us uario_subwa_pe gg_pkg.mptomatillo ocultaba las 2 toneladas de droga los houston texans eliminan a los angeles chargers y siguen su camino al super bowl shopify helps you sell at every stage of your business. so you can sell it online, take it in person and go big. like a million orders big. whatever the stage, businesses that grow grow with shopify. y tambien en marcas nuevas como siempre en gangas and deals te brindo...
Jan 31, 2025
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we had to rebuild from grassroots up and we discovered champions like peggy fleming, who won within aof that. so we've done it before and skaters are strong. and nancy kerrigan said today earlier, we learn how to fall and get up and brush ourselves and move on. good perspective from brian boitano peggy fleming, he mentioned, just like boitano grew up in the south bay, by the way, we will see the u.s. figure skating team at the winter olympics next february. so about 12 months from now in northern italy. sharks hockey tonight. it was ugly. we'll take you up to seattle. sharks and the kraken. there you go. the kraken scoring early and often. first period. a breakaway goal there gives seattle a 4 to 1 lead. you want a bright spot for the sharks? here you go. tyler toffoli with his 18th goal of the season. but the sharks lose this dave's been very excited about saving big with the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. five years? -five years. and he's not alone. -high five. it's five years of reliable gig speed internet. five years of advanced securit. five years of a great rate t
we had to rebuild from grassroots up and we discovered champions like peggy fleming, who won within aof that. so we've done it before and skaters are strong. and nancy kerrigan said today earlier, we learn how to fall and get up and brush ourselves and move on. good perspective from brian boitano peggy fleming, he mentioned, just like boitano grew up in the south bay, by the way, we will see the u.s. figure skating team at the winter olympics next february. so about 12 months from now in...
Jan 19, 2025
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peggy carranza en nueva york escucho sus preocupaciones por su parte ...el zar fronterizo , tom homanciudad las redadas comenzaÁn desde este pÓximo martes... para ello enviaÁncerca de 200 agentes del servicio de inmigracÓn y control de aduanas -ice-, que se centraÁn en Ás de 300 personas con antecedentes de delitos violentos... adeÁs aÑadÓ que chicago seÁ uno de los muchos lugares en todo el pÍs donde planean hacer arrestos. y en la frontera cuando falta muy poco para el cambio de gobierno, inmigrantes que estan esperando su cita de asilo con la aplicacion cbp one que seguramete sera cerrada por la nueva administracion... dicen que ellos de todas maneras buscaran cualquier camino para cruzar hacia los estados unidos... ... guadalupe madrigal nos hace un recuento de cÁl es la situacÓn... sta noche tiktok publico un comunicado anunciando que este domingo su aplicacion se apagara en los estdos unidos...donald trump dice que en 90 dias se tomaria una decision definitiva sobre el tema...guillermo gonzales con mas detalles del futuro de tiktok. en espaÑa unos 80 esquiadores quedaron atrapad
peggy carranza en nueva york escucho sus preocupaciones por su parte ...el zar fronterizo , tom homanciudad las redadas comenzaÁn desde este pÓximo martes... para ello enviaÁncerca de 200 agentes del servicio de inmigracÓn y control de aduanas -ice-, que se centraÁn en Ás de 300 personas con antecedentes de delitos violentos... adeÁs aÑadÓ que chicago seÁ uno de los muchos lugares en todo el pÍs donde planean hacer arrestos. y en la frontera cuando falta muy poco para el cambio de...
Jan 26, 2025
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peggy writes in part, quote, he is going to utterly dominate our brain space.ays in his public self. joe biden asked nothing and gave nothing. mr. trump demands and dominates. attention must be paid. democrats so far are nonexistent as the opposition in the long term. their passivity is a strategy. let mr. trump control immigration and kill woke. that will remove the issues people most hate about the democratic party. once he solves them, the issues are gone. in the short term, this isn't a strategy, but another indication of lostness. they don't know what they believe in and have no leader for four years. it's going to be nonstop, 24 over seven. rock em, sock em. god bless our beloved country. history ahead, everybody hold on tight. joe. >> hold on tight. you know, john heilemann. peggy writes about something she knows very much about. we conservatives at the time. we republicans, we thought the cold war was the big issue. it is certainly what made my democratic family republicans in the late 60s. and then the soviet union disappeared. and christmas day, 1991,
peggy writes in part, quote, he is going to utterly dominate our brain space.ays in his public self. joe biden asked nothing and gave nothing. mr. trump demands and dominates. attention must be paid. democrats so far are nonexistent as the opposition in the long term. their passivity is a strategy. let mr. trump control immigration and kill woke. that will remove the issues people most hate about the democratic party. once he solves them, the issues are gone. in the short term, this isn't a...
Jan 31, 2025
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um, michael warren, it does seem to me, and uh, you already invoked the great peggy noonan, who we often read from on this show, and she, um, i think she wrote this column actually, possibly before the the crash actually happened. it was published afterward, but it's really focused a little bit on what happened earlier in the week with the funding freeze and some of the other things we've seen from the trump administration. but she wrote this for all the talk of the new professionalism in the trump administration operation, they have to get used to the chaos again and ride it. she's talking about republicans in washington tempting the gods of order and steadiness. after one week, they concluded the first administration wasn't a nervous breakdown. in the second is a recovery. again, they're on a ship with a captain in an extended manic phase who never settles into a soothing depression yeah, i mean, peggy noonan is a great writer, and there was 39 years ago this week that the challenger disaster happened. >> and that speech really, you know, you saw a president rise to the occasion and th
um, michael warren, it does seem to me, and uh, you already invoked the great peggy noonan, who we often read from on this show, and she, um, i think she wrote this column actually, possibly before the the crash actually happened. it was published afterward, but it's really focused a little bit on what happened earlier in the week with the funding freeze and some of the other things we've seen from the trump administration. but she wrote this for all the talk of the new professionalism in the...
Jan 27, 2025
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>> miss peggy is 100 years old. she is awesome.t. our goal was not to do this and that the season. we have to get her to a bowl game and that is what we did. we achieved that. [applause] she is so awesome. i love her life. she remembers everything. she does not forget one thing. >> stephen: does she give you any advice? >> she says win. >> keep it simple. the new season of your docuseries just came out. we have a clip. what do we need to see here? >> the kids were invited to paris to a fashion show. >> stephen: it has been called the vegas of france. >> they went overseas to do that and it was funny because shiloh and then were going back and forth. this is something, they called me from over there because shiloh didn't like how his brother was dressed. he thought he was changing. >> that is a first. that is how i know you don't know fashion. >> i could swing on you now and it is not going to hurt you. >> let's call dad and see what he would say. >> your dad used to wear the same stuff back in the day. he used to wear short shorts.
>> miss peggy is 100 years old. she is awesome.t. our goal was not to do this and that the season. we have to get her to a bowl game and that is what we did. we achieved that. [applause] she is so awesome. i love her life. she remembers everything. she does not forget one thing. >> stephen: does she give you any advice? >> she says win. >> keep it simple. the new season of your docuseries just came out. we have a clip. what do we need to see here? >> the kids were...
Jan 6, 2025
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susanne and bobby went to visit peggy's grave. >> hey mama. >> reporter: finally it was all ov. >> you kind of look at life a little bit differently. you know, life is very valuable. it's precious. >> it puts things in perspective. >> reporter: you done anything special for yourself? >> i treated myself to a car. she's a fancy german lady that likes to go fast. my mother always said, spend a little. enjoy your money. you'll have mine some day. who knew that some day was going to be so soon? >>> that's all for now. i'm lester holt. thanks for joining us. of the forests around here. right now, at 11, two fire stations in the oakland hills, just hours away from closing the pledges and incoming city leader is making before he even takes office. the news at 11 starts right now. thanks for joining us. i'm terry mcsweeney, and i'm gia vang. oakland's budget woes officially coming to a head come tomorrow, two fire stations in the oakland hills will be closing to help with the city's nearly $130 million budget deficit. it's slated to be a temporary closure only six months. but as neighbors tell
susanne and bobby went to visit peggy's grave. >> hey mama. >> reporter: finally it was all ov. >> you kind of look at life a little bit differently. you know, life is very valuable. it's precious. >> it puts things in perspective. >> reporter: you done anything special for yourself? >> i treated myself to a car. she's a fancy german lady that likes to go fast. my mother always said, spend a little. enjoy your money. you'll have mine some day. who knew that...
Jan 3, 2025
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he said, peggy, were you try to hold on to this flag and get it back to the states if you can. and i said that i would. how could they prepare us? so there was no for for women nurses being taken prisoner. the nurses were afraid of the japanese, yet they faced them in army coveralls, wearing no military insignia, only their red cross armbands. the nurses left alone with their patients, both american and japanese, while their shrinking stores of food, water and medical supplies were cut even more. then, on june 25th, they were moved out of the tunnel to the topside ruins of fort mills hospital. a week later, the army nurses were marched to the docks to be taken by boat, then by truck to manila there to eventually join the captured navy nurses held since march at santo tomas university. now a japanese internment center. well, when the army nurses came in, they put them in a building that was called santa catalina, and they kept them separate from the rest of the attorneys and also from us. i always felt the japanese didn't know how to put women in military and so they wanted us m
he said, peggy, were you try to hold on to this flag and get it back to the states if you can. and i said that i would. how could they prepare us? so there was no for for women nurses being taken prisoner. the nurses were afraid of the japanese, yet they faced them in army coveralls, wearing no military insignia, only their red cross armbands. the nurses left alone with their patients, both american and japanese, while their shrinking stores of food, water and medical supplies were cut even...
Jan 9, 2025
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we met peggy graham, president reagan's longtime executive assistant. she shared with us personal memories of a man i had admired since i was a little girl. at 1.i found myself -- at one point i found myself alone at the memorial outside and in a quiet moment reflected on a man whose leadership is part of the world at a time of turmoil. i remember being overwhelmed at all he brought to this country in the world. all i could do was bow my head and thank the lord for sending such a man of strength and hope to lead our country. back in the gift shop, i.e., of course, purchased one of his replica cowboy hats. i could not. that had still hangs today in my office next to a portrait of president reagan in his signature cowboy hat with that wide, hopeful smile on his face. recently i had the opportunity to visit the reagan ranch and it was a dream come true because while at this magnificent library it felt so impressive to me, when i got to the ranch, it felt familiar. in a way, it felt like coming home. growing up in the west, growing up in south dakota, my he
we met peggy graham, president reagan's longtime executive assistant. she shared with us personal memories of a man i had admired since i was a little girl. at 1.i found myself -- at one point i found myself alone at the memorial outside and in a quiet moment reflected on a man whose leadership is part of the world at a time of turmoil. i remember being overwhelmed at all he brought to this country in the world. all i could do was bow my head and thank the lord for sending such a man of...
Jan 2, 2025
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las personas tienen entre 16 y 20 aÑos, hacemos conexiÓn con eric —— peggy carranza.go, hicieron 30 disparos contra este grupo que esperaba para entrar al club que estaba en su mÁxima capacidad con unas 90 personas. serÍan adolescentes. la policÍa ha dicho que no tiene gas que represente un riesgo para sus vÍctimas, la mayorÍa han sido disparos en la pierna, vÍas y en los glÚteos. las autoridades han dicho que habÍa un evento privado donde estaban celebrando la vida de otro adolescente, un afro americano que fue baleado y muriÓ en octubre, tambiÉn lo que sabemos hasta ahora es que las autoridades dicen que estÁn investigando si este incidente estÁ relacionada con pandillas. como lo dices, aquÍ sabemos que la gente estaba disfrutando cuando ocurriÓ esta violencia, regreso con ustedes. borja: gracias por brindarnos estos detalles, hasta ofrece ofrecen una recompensa de 5000 $ con cualquier informaciÓn que coloca al arresto de un hombre que matÓ a una niÑa en florida por una bala perdida que alcanzÓ la menor de 10 aÑos, mientras se celebraba el aÑo nuevo. ocurre en el oe
las personas tienen entre 16 y 20 aÑos, hacemos conexiÓn con eric —— peggy carranza.go, hicieron 30 disparos contra este grupo que esperaba para entrar al club que estaba en su mÁxima capacidad con unas 90 personas. serÍan adolescentes. la policÍa ha dicho que no tiene gas que represente un riesgo para sus vÍctimas, la mayorÍa han sido disparos en la pierna, vÍas y en los glÚteos. las autoridades han dicho que habÍa un evento privado donde estaban celebrando la vida de otro...
Jan 31, 2025
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but peggy noonan, who's well sourced, who worked for reagan, has a new piece.calls the collapse of the old order and writes that republican lawmakers, this is on her authority. she's writing in the journal. that means it's supposed to be true. her sources are in this congress, most supportive of the president. those are the ones we'd all recognize. again, i don't have her list. it's anonymous. right. but many people we might know, she says they are, quote, beside themselves with anxiety over the dangers that are happening right now. what does that tell you, and what should that tell the public? that two weeks in, if you believe peggy noonan and the fact checking the wall street journal and her republican sources, even the president's loudest public allies in congress actually are anxious that this could lead to major consequences for the country. >> well, it tells me a lot of people were not paying attention during the campaign. i mean, during the campaign, donald trump told us very clearly what he believes and what he will do as president. he made it very, ver
but peggy noonan, who's well sourced, who worked for reagan, has a new piece.calls the collapse of the old order and writes that republican lawmakers, this is on her authority. she's writing in the journal. that means it's supposed to be true. her sources are in this congress, most supportive of the president. those are the ones we'd all recognize. again, i don't have her list. it's anonymous. right. but many people we might know, she says they are, quote, beside themselves with anxiety over...
Jan 18, 2025
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bobby nevin and her sister in law, peggy have five family members buried here.ry one of their loved one's gravesite vases was taken. it's really sad. it's like i'm a wido i don't have the money to replace this. you know i didn't do it. i don't have no respect for anybody who wants to do that for money. i feel like it's totally disrespectful. i feel like, you know, whoever did it is the lowest of the low. alonzo and tina fitzpatrick say it's hurtful. their son is buried here, and they go to great lengths to keep his gravestone clean. when they heard about the thefts, they raced over. i just thank god that they didn't get my sons. but i feel for the people who did. it is very hurtful because who would do something like that? why? the cemetery's managing partner says the thieves are likely working with recyclers to melt the vases. if someone is going to your location and asking to trade these in, or turn these in for some kind of monetary value, please call the sheriff's department. some families say they've been told they'll have to pay more than $800 to replace e
bobby nevin and her sister in law, peggy have five family members buried here.ry one of their loved one's gravesite vases was taken. it's really sad. it's like i'm a wido i don't have the money to replace this. you know i didn't do it. i don't have no respect for anybody who wants to do that for money. i feel like it's totally disrespectful. i feel like, you know, whoever did it is the lowest of the low. alonzo and tina fitzpatrick say it's hurtful. their son is buried here, and they go to...
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so my latest capsule collection is close, but because so my mom is from a small town called peggy and based in cape and she lives in like a 6 in cold blood frequently. so every time i go, they don't know. i've seen that sense of belonging because in, in a sense that's where i come from. and my mom tells me that for her great grandfather's, there are period the so i feel like it's a sides of the information for me, like where i come from. and more importantly, i want to pay homage to my mother's side and to recognize her people. so me typing this collect some, got people is me of knowledge in her role in y m. this includes what the quarterly collection tools inspiration from the natural surroundings of her maternal. how. how did she translate this onto the common? it's very dry, very rocky, very. there's long chains and everything. it has these brown as the colors that remind me of the days advise also like the sun saves, you know, and even the st. louis i, i cut out a symmetric phones because i don't believe you. i don't think symmetry is the idea of phasing person and i think how man
so my latest capsule collection is close, but because so my mom is from a small town called peggy and based in cape and she lives in like a 6 in cold blood frequently. so every time i go, they don't know. i've seen that sense of belonging because in, in a sense that's where i come from. and my mom tells me that for her great grandfather's, there are period the so i feel like it's a sides of the information for me, like where i come from. and more importantly, i want to pay homage to my mother's...
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there will be more hate speech when a former employer and peggy has called is the 1st step towards genocide. i wouldn't go so far, but quite obviously if you produce fact checking, if you produce ultimate, it's a filtering of a harmful content. you will get a platform that is, that makes everybody on there worse off, it will be more hate speech more. um sergeant isn't more a n t, foreigners sentiment. facebook admitted products will go the way of twitter x and that would be bad for the world and that financially for him as well. now, the rules as of today just apply in the us will be repeating regulation, require a different approach formats in the you. for another year, peter rules such as the digital services act did not apply to the platform to use fact checking services. but they do oblige platforms to do is to ensure that they delete illegal content and that they assess the risk that lie within their platforms. for democratic decision making processes for public health. and we know that throwing out the fact checkers and reducing automates is filtering of illegal content leads to more
there will be more hate speech when a former employer and peggy has called is the 1st step towards genocide. i wouldn't go so far, but quite obviously if you produce fact checking, if you produce ultimate, it's a filtering of a harmful content. you will get a platform that is, that makes everybody on there worse off, it will be more hate speech more. um sergeant isn't more a n t, foreigners sentiment. facebook admitted products will go the way of twitter x and that would be bad for the world...
Jan 2, 2025
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peggy peggy, to this guy to try to not only fight this land to keep our hallowed new york city city.llo to all of you in america's most iconic city, the city that gave us the who gave up everything to serve his nation the once and the future president of the united states, donald j. trump. only in america would a little girl raised by a single mom from, a tiny town called glen rose, texas, ascend to work the west wing for the most consequence president of our lifetime and only in america. that same small town texas end up here in this incredible city with all of you at the world's most famous arena. let's go one. tell, tell me. tell me. who here love loves. president donald trump. then you are at the right rally. you know a few days back, kamala harris heard someone at one of her rallies say cry, ask, is lord, let's it up. she said you know what she said, you are at the wrong, sir. but maybe once in her life, kamala harris was right. they at the wrong rally because rally where people believe in faith believe in america and believe that we are one nation under god is right here, is he
peggy peggy, to this guy to try to not only fight this land to keep our hallowed new york city city.llo to all of you in america's most iconic city, the city that gave us the who gave up everything to serve his nation the once and the future president of the united states, donald j. trump. only in america would a little girl raised by a single mom from, a tiny town called glen rose, texas, ascend to work the west wing for the most consequence president of our lifetime and only in america. that...
Jan 24, 2025
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and listen, all respect to peggy noonan.ratic party. and just because the first week to ten days of the trump administration has not been house on fire, democrats kicking does not mean that the democrats are not going to be prepared to show out this incompetence. and i think they will be, you know, just look what's coming up, willie. they have to find $5 trillion in cuts to continue to have the tax cuts for the millionaires and billionaires. that's on the agenda right away. on top of that, elon musk says he's going to find $2 trillion worth of cuts. if you look at the documents that are being circulated on capitol hill right now by the republicans, they're targeting medicare, they're targeting medicaid, they're targeting student loans. they're targeting all kinds of programs that if they think this is going to be a walk in the park with the american people, with the people that supposedly donald trump is there to help, you know, they set the stage with the trillion dollar cast of characters behind him on inauguration day. th
and listen, all respect to peggy noonan.ratic party. and just because the first week to ten days of the trump administration has not been house on fire, democrats kicking does not mean that the democrats are not going to be prepared to show out this incompetence. and i think they will be, you know, just look what's coming up, willie. they have to find $5 trillion in cuts to continue to have the tax cuts for the millionaires and billionaires. that's on the agenda right away. on top of that, elon...
Jan 24, 2025
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. >> trace: on the flip side peggy has the following to say, conservatives are tough on crime because of the pain does -- the pain and disorder it causes. january 6 shamed us in the eyes of the world, this was not a patriotic act. >> she does not have a point. i've seen footage myself of many people being set up by the capitol police and the d.c. police that were there, i find it very hilarious that we don't talk about the individuals responsible for security and how good a place seen as a secure area, how to such a huge security breach, to have people able to walk in a wide open door just like i did. how come nobody is talking about that. >>> individuals that were attacked first many of them were shot with rubber bullets, just standing around, two men died of heart attacks that day. one person was trampled and beat over the head by capitol police, she ended up dying that day. when these people talk about it's a scar on our country, when they look and find out the honeypot that was created by our own government, we should be sick, that will be the embarrassment that everybody needs to
. >> trace: on the flip side peggy has the following to say, conservatives are tough on crime because of the pain does -- the pain and disorder it causes. january 6 shamed us in the eyes of the world, this was not a patriotic act. >> she does not have a point. i've seen footage myself of many people being set up by the capitol police and the d.c. police that were there, i find it very hilarious that we don't talk about the individuals responsible for security and how good a place...
Jan 8, 2025
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she and her neighbors, andrew amano and peggy balisco, fled when they saw the fire approaching. >> smoke darker and looked like it was coming closer. so we gathered what we could and said, you know, we've gotta get out of here. my house was already on fire. my truck was already on fire at that point. you're breathing hot, hot air and your skin is burning. >> in our neighborhood, there is only one way out, because the fire was coming down the hill. >> narrator: kuhua camp was built to house sugar plantation workers generations ago. as the fire spread through the neighborhood, many residents had to navigate downed trees and utility lines, narrow streets, and fenced-off roads. >> they should have opened the back. >> i know. >> are we backing up, are you serious? >> we just scooted around the wires to get out, but the traffic was already getting backed up on kuhua when we left, and so, coming down lahainaluna road, but if we had waited any longer, i might not be sitting here. >> narrator: all three neighbors made it out in time, but others weren't as lucky. a bottleneck on kuhua street, the
she and her neighbors, andrew amano and peggy balisco, fled when they saw the fire approaching. >> smoke darker and looked like it was coming closer. so we gathered what we could and said, you know, we've gotta get out of here. my house was already on fire. my truck was already on fire at that point. you're breathing hot, hot air and your skin is burning. >> in our neighborhood, there is only one way out, because the fire was coming down the hill. >> narrator: kuhua camp was...
Jan 6, 2025
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it was it was in peggy bunker came down and robert honda came down. it was just just spectacular. lot of people are going to be wondering, what are you going to do in retirement? well, i'm going to wake up tomorrow morning and start figuring it out. i think it's going to feel i think it's going to feel like a vacation for the first week, and then it's going to be like, well, you know, i don't know, maybe it'll keep feeling like a vacation, going to spring training, going to stay a little longer. maybe this time. watch the giants play down there, go on road trips, watch the giants, niners, whatever, that kind of thing. see where it goes and see what i'm attracted to. what kind of volunteer or work, i don't know. we'll see. all right. but it's been great. and thank you very much for making it happen. happy retirement here. thank you gia. thank you. we'll miss you so much terry. thank you. thanks, marianne. all right, rob, let's talk weather. there's no easy way. you guys been working together for a long time? well, let's look at a travel forecast where you might want to go tomorrow.
it was it was in peggy bunker came down and robert honda came down. it was just just spectacular. lot of people are going to be wondering, what are you going to do in retirement? well, i'm going to wake up tomorrow morning and start figuring it out. i think it's going to feel i think it's going to feel like a vacation for the first week, and then it's going to be like, well, you know, i don't know, maybe it'll keep feeling like a vacation, going to spring training, going to stay a little...
Jan 15, 2025
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batting 1.000 today on the foreign relations committee we saw senator marco rubio there is no better peggy 12 years in the foreign relations committee and understands foreign policy as anybody in the u.s. senate. he has done a great job today, very proud of him. also pam bondi has done a great job and chris write a great job for the national energy resource committee. again president trump bring all-star candidates to being -- be in his candidate. it has to live the people's spirit. >> taking it back to the top story we lead with and tying it into the confirmation hearing senator president biden said today while speaking live from the white house that this will be the new administrations deal to implement. obviously this cease-fire deal that was just announced and agreed to. so what does it look like as the steam comes together? >> this is a team that has moral clarity particularly on the issue of israel and iran. we don't have to stutter about our support for israel knowing who the good guys are into the bad guys are. there are a lot of parallels with what happened in 1980 president reaga
batting 1.000 today on the foreign relations committee we saw senator marco rubio there is no better peggy 12 years in the foreign relations committee and understands foreign policy as anybody in the u.s. senate. he has done a great job today, very proud of him. also pam bondi has done a great job and chris write a great job for the national energy resource committee. again president trump bring all-star candidates to being -- be in his candidate. it has to live the people's spirit. >>...
Jan 30, 2025
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during the walk williams surpassed retired astronaut peggy whitson who held the record at 60 hours andminutes. >>> america's economy continued to grow in the final months of 2024. the commerce department reported today that gross domestic product, gdp, which measures all the goods and services produced in the united states grew by 2.3% from october to december. it was powered mostly by stronger consumer spending. for the full year, gdp up 2.#% compared to 2.9% the year before. >>> at this hour authorities are working to identify the victims of that tragic midair disastrous ter in our nation's capital. >> 67 are presumed dead after a helicopter collided with a commercial flight from wichita, kansas wednesday night. >> 60 passengers and four crew members were onboard the american airlines flight. another three were onboard the black hawk helicopter. among the victims a group of elite figure skaters and families returning from a training camp in kansas. joining us now, nbc news correspondent erin mclaughlin in arlington, virginia, for us. erin, what do we know about the recovery efforts a
during the walk williams surpassed retired astronaut peggy whitson who held the record at 60 hours andminutes. >>> america's economy continued to grow in the final months of 2024. the commerce department reported today that gross domestic product, gdp, which measures all the goods and services produced in the united states grew by 2.3% from october to december. it was powered mostly by stronger consumer spending. for the full year, gdp up 2.#% compared to 2.9% the year before....
Jan 31, 2025
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i know that there is chaos because this is sending -- >> greg: because you read peggy noonan piece?ica: i saw portals being down, emails going out, you can take a buyout, emails going out you're going to be fired tomorrow, i saw -- >> judge jeanine: you know what, i am worried about more people coming out of the frigid water and why they are in that water -- >> jessica: no -- >> judge jeanine: then whether they are going to -- >> jessica: joe biden's fault -- >> judge jeanine: no, i'm not. >> jessica: share -- >> judge jeanine: this is the worst crash since 2001. all right, coming up, they just can't help themselves. the geniuses who want to run the democrat party are still blaming kamala's loss on racism and misogyny. ♪ ♪ touch can mean so many things. even for people with moderate-to-severe eczema. touch can make two feel like one. or simply be a helping hand. dupixent can help you stay ahead of eczema as you welcome the feeling of touch. dupixent helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90%
i know that there is chaos because this is sending -- >> greg: because you read peggy noonan piece?ica: i saw portals being down, emails going out, you can take a buyout, emails going out you're going to be fired tomorrow, i saw -- >> judge jeanine: you know what, i am worried about more people coming out of the frigid water and why they are in that water -- >> jessica: no -- >> judge jeanine: then whether they are going to -- >> jessica: joe biden's fault --...
Jan 13, 2025
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peggy was on to talk about her book, a certain idea of america, and in that book, she included a columnalled against the tear it down movement. i want to get your take this. she writes, and once the tearing down of statutes starts, there is no knowing where will end. edmund burke famously said we have a duty to the past, the present, and the future. in the minds of the tear downers, only the president -- present is important and only your higher morality. guest: i can see where she is coming from. i can totally see what she is saying that their presentism gets in the way of seeing that arc of history. i do also understand this idea that statues are meant to elevate somebody to a special status, that we don't put up statues of hitler's. we don't put up statues of villains from history. we don't put up statues of people like benedict arnold and think to ourselves that this is a guy who needs a statue dedicated to him so i understand the perspective that statues are meant to indicate a community's higher value, that we value this person and they deserve to be remembered in a special way. i
peggy was on to talk about her book, a certain idea of america, and in that book, she included a columnalled against the tear it down movement. i want to get your take this. she writes, and once the tearing down of statutes starts, there is no knowing where will end. edmund burke famously said we have a duty to the past, the present, and the future. in the minds of the tear downers, only the president -- present is important and only your higher morality. guest: i can see where she is coming...
Jan 31, 2025
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from that, we built back from the ashes and built champions like peggy fleming and dorothy hamill.t their life will serve as that inspiration for the young kids that were associated with them on that team. >> yeah, olympian brian boitano, really good to have you here today. thank you for joining us. all the best. >> thank you. >>> in the middle east, hamas will release three more hostages tomorrow after freeing eight earlier this we. three men will be released to israel, including israeli-american keith siegel. keith's wife, aveva, had also been held hostage by hamas. she was freed in november 2023. she spoke to msnbc this past fall about leaving her husband in the hands of their captors. >> i said good-bye to keith, and he was the ddest person on earth. and i was the saddest person on earth. i did say to keith, "you be strong for me, and i'll be strong for you." i hope that's ing him going. keith was sad, and i was sad. we didn't even know if we'll ever, ever see each other again. >> hopefully they will now see each other again. joining us is nbc news chief international correspon
from that, we built back from the ashes and built champions like peggy fleming and dorothy hamill.t their life will serve as that inspiration for the young kids that were associated with them on that team. >> yeah, olympian brian boitano, really good to have you here today. thank you for joining us. all the best. >> thank you. >>> in the middle east, hamas will release three more hostages tomorrow after freeing eight earlier this we. three men will be released to israel,...
Jan 19, 2025
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announcement on truth social causing some flurry on the internet as he originally wrote her name as peggyoughout his post until it was reposted with the correct spelling. the department of justice has filed suit against walgreens, accusing the drugstore chain of filling unnecessary opioid prescriptions. the agency says walgreens filled opioid prescriptions for dangerous amounts over a ten year period, and says the prescription should have been red flagged because the amounts were were likely illegal. prosecutors allege walgreens actions were in violation of the controlled substances act and the false claims act, and the company also pressured pharmacists to fill prescriptions without checking their validity. walgreens says it stands by its pharmacists and followed all applicable fda and drug enforcement administration laws in filing opioid prescriptions. a san francisco woman is sharing her story of recovery and redemption with the help of the department of public health. krystal stevens has turned her life around and is now giving back to women and mothers just like her. greg lee has our
announcement on truth social causing some flurry on the internet as he originally wrote her name as peggyoughout his post until it was reposted with the correct spelling. the department of justice has filed suit against walgreens, accusing the drugstore chain of filling unnecessary opioid prescriptions. the agency says walgreens filled opioid prescriptions for dangerous amounts over a ten year period, and says the prescription should have been red flagged because the amounts were were likely...
Jan 4, 2025
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i was summoned by at that time his secretary, miss peggy.to say, hey, are you available to meet with president and mrs. if carter at their home today? and i said, absolutely. i only have one caveat, can i bring my board president along with me, and they agreed. we went through our secret service check, and we pulled up and got to the front door can of the house k and he opened the door, and he said, hi, i'm jimmy carter. i'm like, jeez with, i know who you are. [laughter] you don't know who i am. so we went into the house, and we stood in what i would call the living room. and my board president and i looked at each other, we were unsure where to sit. and he said you can sit anywhere in here but don't sit right there because that's where roz-in is going to sit. [laughter] -- rosalynn. and she came in with her notebook and pad, and we began to have a conversation. because up until that point the club had been shuttered for a new few months. he was interested in bringing the club under our umbrella and roping it. and he was willing -- reopenin
i was summoned by at that time his secretary, miss peggy.to say, hey, are you available to meet with president and mrs. if carter at their home today? and i said, absolutely. i only have one caveat, can i bring my board president along with me, and they agreed. we went through our secret service check, and we pulled up and got to the front door can of the house k and he opened the door, and he said, hi, i'm jimmy carter. i'm like, jeez with, i know who you are. [laughter] you don't know who i...