and one shot my wife peggy kagan says when you get there tell them greenpeace there's a shout and shake in my bag i've got a cake here so here you go that's great and fredricka leave it all open so that we can see you have got because. no one vegetables what a great job you did and i talked with a guy named hans that's me i am ivana. why do you keep them and their guests and citizens of birding because you must have missed that we meet here today at an important crossroads in our lives recently serializable we must decide whether or not to live in harmony with our conscience and convictions by founding the independent country of peace land that spot hate seven hundred eighteen. probably hear by solemnly declare that peace land is and of right old could be a free and independent state. what on of the connection between it and the czech republic is dissolved missing a stop and frisk i saw on my read when you. the embassies go tomorrow we will send an official letter to the main constitutional agents. the president the prime minister and the heads of parliament so now to put it in there yo