peggy noonan, the great columnist for the "wall street journal." very sunday with avid interest. philip bump for "the washington post," and bezaz bezel michaels. let me start with peggy and we'll go to the guys. what is trump up to because he did lose in the popular vote because the house is the people's vote, and basically the number of people across the country as a country voted against him a bit. but yet, he acted like i have new power in the executive branch. i'm going to utilize it now against my enemies. >> it's -- i feel like he's getting either reckless or hard ball in some way. and i can't quite tell. i thought, by the way, that the house vote, the congressional vote, might be much more strongly a rebuke of 40, 50, 60 seats, than it turned into. maybe there was -- i mean, i talked to somebody at the white house who said we're relieved it was not so terrible. >> that is also clever politics to say you're relieved, as if to diminish a 40-seat loss. >> yeah, but i did some research on it. the average loss for a president in a midterm is 30-so