peggy whitson stay here was extended so no she'll be working together with jack. good to read good news it was a good to see a stooge george. bush and bush are going to your religion. this experiment is the most delicious one the lettuce was grown at zero gravity and then of course eaten they carry out biological and physics experiments study the performance of stem cells and develop medicines to cure cancer this experiment is the most important one for jack fisher as his daughter had cancer. but spaceman also guinea pigs mission control constantly monitors their health and watches closely to see if they exercise enough. we have a special treadmill first off we can find it's all the way we have to work out physical exercise. to do two and a half hours a day because if you don't have good exercise your muscles and your bones just just go away and you come back as a ninety year old man and then you your wife won't like you anymore. please let her sleep. for this cause. unless he was boucle another syria people in west were told would poison the lead which assume the