. -- four hour peio,d the -- period, they were union square shoppers. people that were mentally ill are sitting there talking to themselves. the treat them with compassion. they are committing small crimes in trying to urge them to move on. two of them said they were immediately contacting the occ . the officers have to deal with quite a bit out there in the streets. they are not psychologists for psychotherapists. it turns out one of these people as a convicted sex offender. again, the work was great. a call came out over the air, and the cooperation of this one call, a woman got off the bus in chinatown and her 6-year-old son did not get off the bus. immediately, they had a cantonese speaking officer there and we had officers coming in from the motorcycle units volunteering to stop the buses throughout the city. she had a disabled child and shopping bags. it was incredible. if found them heading back and walking back to his house. it was a pretty scary thing. again, i urge all of the commissioners to do that. i rode with a very experienced police offi