government regulators like the epa are killing good jobs, like pelican scrubber or next of kin callerfortunately, some brave corporations have found a way to protect themselves from big government telling them what to do. and it's the subject of tonight's word. [ applause ] >> stephen: i think, therefore i brand. nation, these days, no company is taking more flak than google. last week, google was publicly accused by presidential candidate and cursed doll come to life rick santorum of bias in their search results. you see, eight years ago, santorum reasonably compared gay sex to, quote, man on dog. so gay advice columnist dan savage successfully led a campaign to make the top google search result for the word santorum a filthy, juvenile phrase that i'm not going to say because this is a family show. let's just say it rhymes with frothing mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex. now personally, personally, folks, i feel terrible for rick. his name has been dragged through the mud. god, i hope that's mud. >> and rick claims that it is something was up t