because of the lack of light, they cannot produce pellets, so bottsia, together with the pelikan-laeva charitable fund, started a project to heat the greenhouse in order to raise funds for the purchase of pellets during active hostilities . from directed to communal needs, the academy of sciences is not indifferent to the problems of the botanical garden, we were allocated 1 million and 100 uah to support, primarily, this is communal payments but of course 14 million and 300 million this is a very small amount at all recently, it was possible to connect the exhibition greenhouse to the city's heat network, however, as a result of russian attacks and emergency shutdowns, the heat supply is stopped without electricity, they cannot work and the pumps of the boiler house are used in the furnaces of the boilers that heat the stock greenhouses, collections of unique plants are stored here and plants are grown, which are then transferred to the exhibition greenhouse for example, this is an azalea greenhouse, the first 20 species of this plant came to the botanical garden back in 1946 from germany, and then o