. -- pell grantswe went from 6 million to 9 million kids that have been knocked out. for those of you who have kids in school now,the only thing helping is between $500 tax credit they are giving you off of your bottom line. they worked that out. -- the white that out. [cheers and applause] --they wiped that out. let me tell you this, folks. you have to ask yourself the question. why are they doing it? >> because they have to. let me tell you why they have to. there is no way to accommodate the more than $2 trillion in tax cuts for people making a minimum of $1 million a year if they do not do it. it all adds to the deficit. they have got to go out there this is all on the surface of tax cuts for the super wealthy. where i come from, we have one of the highest per-capita incomes in the nation. what i found out is wealthy people are just as patriotic as poor folks. they are just as decent and just as good. they are not asking for these tax cuts. that me give you an example. by extending the bush tax cuts for the wealthy, $500 billion goes to 120,000 families. $500 bill