like our federal, a pellett, and supreme court justices are. they are independent. if you look at their decisions and the things they have done to date, i defy you to say they're carrying out the will of somebody else. they are experienced in doing this. there the players in the system. they tried the charges. they insure that all of the procedures have been. and looks like a trial you will see and a civilian world. both parties will make opening statements. they will tell the jury what the evidence will show. prosecution presents its case. it provides direct testimony. it brings in different types of evidence. forensic, physical evidence. all those witness testimony, all those witnesses will cross- examine. prosecution will rest. they will make a motion for finding it not guilty. they have this from cross purposes. if there is enough on particular charges that the motion will be denied as to particular charges. defense presents its entire case. it brings forth all of its witnesses to show that an individual is not guilty. prosecution will cross-examine those witnes