pelli clarke pelli to incorporate the bottom of sequence to design and construction to provide construction industries and services for the extended construction period to allow electronic monitoring of salomon and soil conditions during excavation and construction of a train box. >> thank you, members of the board. this amendment is to be pelli clarke pelli contract. when we initially awarded it, we have phases one and two of construction, but we only include construction administration for what was then described as the first phase of construction. the first major component we add services under this amendment is to provide for construction administration and some of monitoring and during the construction of the train box. this is providing for the construction administration, the grant that we received. the second major element of scope under the services agreement is to incorporate the train box at extension. part of the back and forth with high-speed rail, we have extended the eastern terminus of the station from beale street to the eastern side of main street. if we are adding about 300 feet to the length of the rail box. we will be constructing that below grade. that is currently a phase two scope. that will be part of a future phase of construction, as well as an above-grade entrance. we are also looking at locating a