an architectural update by pellie clarke pelli architects. this is a benefit for the new members said they can see the work that has gone into what up until now. >> my name is fred clark. i am a senior design principal. some of you have seen me before, in some of you have not. i am going to go back a little bit into the history of the design just to reach familiarize -- refamiliarize you with the building and how it functions and looks. i can say that we have completed all of the design phases. we are deeply into the construction document days, which is a very critical phase. we are poised to finish that phase quite soon. just to reorient you as to what the project is and where it is, this is the ground floor. in reading from right to left on the far right side, which is the east side, is the concentration of wbussed facilities. golden gate bus plaza is a highly functional threaded part of the building. a great deal of time has been spent on that part of the project. immediately to the west is the grant col. this is the main entrance lobby to