pelourinho, it's worth pointing out, gets its name from the whipping post.y was outlawed in brazil, pelourinho, had been forgotten. but of course, the neighborhood had its charms. if you were an artist, a musician, a writer, you could afford to live here. cheap rent for long time locals, or shiny new art galleries and hipster cafes. we know which way the current of history runs. >> anthony: here though, one man stands alone. jayme figura. a poet, sculptor, painter, musician. now perhaps his own greatest artistic creation. he's chosen to hide his face from view. and to stand in opposition. an eyesore, a rebuke -- a defiant, gwar-like embarrassment to the occupiers. as he dresses now, this is for protection but, as i understand, also protest? >> carlos: it's a kind of protest, but also protection. you know? >> anthony: who's the enemy? >> anthony: everyone. >> carlos: you see faces but not see heart. yeah. >> anthony: how long have, uh, you been wearing the armor? how long? >> carlos: 46 years. >> anthony: 46 years. that was a long time ago. you ever go to the