including john pemberton. recreated drink called french wine coca, very clearly a rip-off and in interviews with the atlanta constitution he said as much but he said mine is better. i have made a superior product and i want to read you from one of the ads because french wine coca, give you a good flavor of his style of advertising. americans, i will try a southern accent. i have been living of the north along with won't be very good. he was a southern gentleman. americans are the most nervous people in the world. all who are suffering for many nervous complaints we commend to use the wonderful and delightful remedy french wine coca. infallible the curing all who are afflicted with any nerve trouble, physical exhaustion or chronic wasting disease, gastric irritability, constipation, headache, quickly cured by coca wine. it is the greatest blessing to the human family, god's best gift in medicine, clergymen, lawyers, literary men, merchants, bankers, ladies and all his sedentary employment causes nervous frustra