officials are looking into penalizzng the new vendor...for each wrong ticket issued.that'ssto add make sure everr the ight onn. ssraight ahead... some might call it a sweet alliance. 3 find ouu who's teaming up withh &pthe beverage ompanies to dea with a ssda ban.. ((breaa )) 3 beverage companies in new yyrk have gained a new ally in their fight against the city's soda ban. mary snowwtells s why the group ssas its suppoot is not about race....but economics. the fight to an large soda and sugary drinkk in new york city is getttng some high- profile, but unlikely support. one of the nation'ssoldest civil rights groups is taking beverage companies. tte new york chhpter f the n double a-c-p issbacking a lawsuii &pfiled to try and stoo the &pcity. hazel duues is the ny chhptee presidenn. hazel: it's not about race.mary:it's about? hazel:economics.mary: aad how? hazel:""ispariiy. and hoo thee small business is being punished while weeallow the &pbig corporrte people, again, along with thh hispanic federation, aague that small and minoriiy owned businesses impact.then th