with this decision and that is that that's the food delivery riders which comprise a grat of food pender and deliver these are the 3 food delivery giants in singapore and a lot of singapore is depend on quick and easy food options from these delivery writers and the delivery writers are using cheapo mort's of transport i.e. scooters to get around and depend their livelihood on these jobs and on these personal mobility devices now recently right after the ban the government introduced a 7000000 dollars grant to help these east pool to write as tree in for an electric bike or a regular bicycle instead and i believe that you are actually using east cujus would you go for an epoch instead. i personally actually don't really use an idea one savvy kick scooter which actually did not have any electrical components so that may be that may be something that people can think about but i think i do see a lot of r.p.m. do users now switching to electric bikes because they are faster and less strenuous to use compared to the bikes and not forgetting some of these food delivery riders are not exactly