pendergast says we want to run you for the senate. truman says, run for the senate? what do i know about the world. i know how to build roads and kansas city. pendergast says we will get you elected and give you people to tell you what to do. he runs and gets elected to the senate and 1934. most of the other senators shun him, call him a senator from pendergrast. in 1940's, running for reelection, roosevelt is not backing him, pendergast is in federal prison and kansas city, the pendergast machine has fallen apart, he's coming in third in the primary, so then he cuts a deal with the heads of , andachine in st. louis they get him narrowly reelected and he is back in the senate. as senator during the second term, he does a little bit better and heads an important investigation of the defense industry and develops a national reputation. have a, he does not popular reputation, and he does not really have any support. he had 2% support in the polls, but gets the nomination and gets back on the ticket as vice president, and when roosevelt dies, he becomes president of the