norton and company, and martyr, randomhouse, and everett james, miranda july, river head books, penguin random houseal to the chatgpt, and then i asked the apple intelligence on my phone to improve it and then i gave it a pass to siri and alexa fixed it up. and i came up with this. now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of the party, though this is, no doubt, very true, it's a terrible acceptance speech and i apologize. it's yet another illustration that artificial intelligence is no substitute for the real thing. two weeks ago i was feeling pretty low, and to tell the truth, i still feel pretty low. as i look out at this, so much excitement about books, i have to say i do feel some hope. it's important to remember, and i said that last time, that hope is really no substitution for strategy. i owe a lot of thanks to my publisher, bill thomas. to my sac >> to my sadistic publicist, michael goldsmith, and to everybody at double day. i have to say that i also owe some thanks to gray wolf press. [ applause ] >> and my editor there for 30 years, mccray. and with great affection, somebody