shipped out to the penitentiary april 3. tavis: you know that number pretty well. obviously. how did you get out? >> the law firm that i worked for now -- tavis: you are a paralegal? >> yes. when i was in prison, everybody knew me as a jailhouse lawyer. that is all i did. the laws -- the law is what put me there, and that is what set me free. i work for that from now. tavis: what do you do every day? >> i am a member of the pro bono committee. i get a chance to help minorities get access to justice. >> i want to give out -- a shout out to northwestern. one of the reason you have so many chicago cases, you haven't the structure of lawyers that pursue it. the difference is not the situation, the difference is a competent legal team of students and professors. tavis: that could be replicated across the country. >> absolutely. tavis: that can be replicated. northwestern is not unique in that regard. others can clearly do that. what benevolent work would that be for law schools across the country. i want to come back to something that ken said something. talk to me about the burde