. >> reporter: penn tech junior antonio mercado did a lot, stand out athlete at penn tech , camden andood row wilson high schools. >> i play football for wood row wilson, baseball for penn tech and i rest will for pen tech tech and we have three different sports, and i'm like , this is weird, i change up, every season. >> reporter: because antonio's actual high school penn tech. >> one, two, three. >> reporter: does not have football or wrestling a new jersey rule allow him to play anywhere in the district that has a team. it is a wrestling coach who says it doesn't seem to phase him at all. >> he loves to do all three of the things that he does. it is not a very difficult for him. it might be a difficult thing for the adults in his life to make sure he gets where he is supposed to be all the time. >> reporter: antonio compels at all three sports and his coaches say. >> that he is a fantastic teammate, and they love having him around. >> it is an honor, privilege to have a kid like that play for you. he is always going to be there and work hard and do what it takes to get the job done.