westport once again gets interested in that pioneer mother monument in penn valley park. by the 1980's, this section of penn valley park had become rather seedy. the monument itself had become overgrown. you cannot really see it there was a parking lot and path to it but it got overgrown. , and there was a sense that this beautiful monument was falling into neglect and had been forgotten. so some community leaders in , westport petitioned to move the sculpture from penn valley park to a more heavily visited location in downtown westport. which as i mentioned early on considers itself to be the birthplace of kansas city. it was on the santa fe trail. it was on the overland trail, and the oregon california trails as well. there were really interested in putting the monument where they thought it would be seen and conveniently, also help draw tourists to their historic sites as well. this did not go over well with the city of kansas city. who was quite content to forget the thing was there until some one else decided to claim it. somebody says we forget it is there until some