that means putting lamp hold on the pill, except it's not a pill, but an injection by dimensional pennsville offline with a male bush pigs. you can't just go and give the animal's a shot at a loss for, for oblation, or we have to administer it with a blow gun device. it's repeated at regular intervals as a booster vaccination since it's fi more every 2 or 3 months via oil and most to illustrate how the vaccine works. and importantly, whether it would also be effective with the human male. let's look at house per production and mammals basically works. imagine a man is a multi story building with the production department on the ground floor. sperm is produced down here in the testicles, along with most of the testosterone to operations are run up top in the brain via the hypothalamus. essentially the boss starting up production and releasing the g n r h hormone the g, an r age instructor. the pituitary gland to produce 2 additional hormones, l, age and f, as h. f s h is responsible for the sperm production line, and l age for testosterone production. and while sperm cells are being turned ou