passive will prove to be penny wise, pound full of pure -- pound full of -- pound foolish.? rupal: it is already turning. you never see a correction coming, you never see a rally coming. you have to position your portfolio where the value is. the spread between value and growth is as large today as it was in 1999. if used kept waiting every single day for the correction to have been stuck with growth for the next three years. you would've lost 80% of your money if you went in the nasdaq. it is not about when a market will turn, it is about if it will turn. when it does, it is too late to reposition your portfolio. alix: which goes your point is not about making the money, it is about not losing money. a different mindset than we usually talk about. has proven its metal in fields as disparate as sports, science, silicon valley. that is what the book is about. nonconsensus investing. in terms of investing in particular, the way arithmetic works, you lose more money than you can ever make up in gains because when you lose, you are losing from a higher number, when you make you