rejected, but this is not like... a victory for president borich, because it turns out that the penochetay clearly, before the end of our mandate the constitutional process is closed, we now have other concerns. the far left has plunged us into a severe economic crisis, working 12 hours and not making ends meet. this is understandable preparation for the already imminent presidential elections, the country is approaching them again so divided. that is, after 50 years the conflict continues, i think yes, sergei brilev with the assistance of hans reinberg, news from chile. deposit, the best interest rate in savings , is an easy way to profitably invest money online. just one button, contribution to the future your child has already been done. one button savings grow with the maximum rate , one button and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, it’s more profitable in sberbank with prime, the sale is very good, hurry up before december 20, invest in your country with a reliable vtb broker