. >> immerman: it prg@n the pentad have before.g@ g@ rug@msfeld anointe power and money.g@ g@ that secreta veryg@ enamored of spe operat readiness of sg@pe forces to deplg@to do, whereas the armyg@ g@re andg@g@ qa found them.explosions )g@al war authorities, they did it a wicia. >> clarke:g@ so, in the pa covert action was dog@g@roveand@ the action-- is done by jsocg@hey d, it's not covert action military og@ president dg@oes nw haveg@ and the intelligennot nog@tifie. >> narrator: then, inistan, a sd g@g@new battlefield:g@ iraq changes being made ig@n thing@ beret units-- the g@ g@ refit g@ and it wg@as clear that the usg@ military personnel wations capa@ g@at we were goingg@rator: the @ addag@m had helped rumsfeld did.g@ a secret unit at tg@g@ found a connection.g@ >> g office that would pr intelligence that the ciag@aid,@ office of special plans.g@jamino g@ g@ vault deep inside the pentagnow@ sourg@ ac information.>> maloof: i wg@ente we know aboutg@ terrorisg@their g@connecg@ not only al qaeda but also state sponsors.g@g@>> narrator:@ instead, it mo vice president.g@g@ material that waa