sponsors include war profiteering defense contractors agencies aligned with washington and the pentagon gulf arab tyrants major transnational corporations and such well loved philanthropic brands as carnegie rockefeller and soros. that sounds like a fun party. any time soros and the cox get together things can print thinking. let's just say the next day your cock will be store. because. it had to be done whether marge zuckerberg wants to run for president twenty twenty or twenty twenty four it doesn't really matter point is he's current. proving himself to the deep state who pull the strings of our puppet president yes. he's saying to them hey guys you're scared of social movements across them for you you're scared of police accountability all across those who reveal police brutality you just let me know what flavor of censorship you prefer some partnership through in facebook in the atlantic council is an attempt to ensure the grip of dominant imperialist powers who feel threatened by the unrestricted flow of information it can't be overstated how powerful facebook has been in the information re