the russian rugby champion, penzinsky lokomotiv, started the home match of the eleventh round against slava in an experimental lineup and a clear underestimation of the opponent led to the fact that after the first half the hosts lost with a score of 0:10. correct. once upon a time these places were the bottom of an ancient sea, and today there is one small but very beautiful republic located here. “i would know the recipe for the famous adeghe cheese, it is very simple, so repeat it at home, anyone can, or could become an athlete, rafting down mountain rivers, go ahead, work harder, that’s it, that’s power, if i lived in odygea, i would learn the skill of a gunsmith from a famous one, look how interesting he is, he’s endless , there is..." mom, tragedy, love, i could grow the most beautiful roses to please the women i love, in 6-7 weeks this little baby will grow into a beautiful rose, welcome to the maternity ward, zhen, zhen , not a maternity room, but a nursery, on weekends i i would paraflange into the sky to enjoy the beauty of these places, and what views, incredibly beautiful