that might strake peopike peoply high. this is a stapler often used in surgery. something like this costs about $1200. this is a chest tube. someone has compression of one of their lungs they might need a chest tube that costs about $1100. you'll find examples like that really all over a room like this. suture. used in just about every operating room in the world. this type of suture costs about $200. if you look at even devices like -- this is a needle used for biopsy so if there is a concern that someone has a humor they would use a needle like this and this is going to cost about $800. it's important to keep in mind if you ask the manufacturers of a device like this why so much money they'll say it took years to develop. the research and development costs are significant. also the guarantee of a certain level of effectiveness of this needle. that costs money as well. something maybe you didn't know when you look at a hospital bill, it's not just a cost of the supplies. there is also administrative costs built in. there is the cost of covering people who simply