anti-islamist and left-wing, the same party, the people 's party of iran, the former communist party, was not completely destroyed, there is also the iranian mujahideens, they just exist like this , that we do not see this, but we see that... there can be any explosion of discontent, as it happened recently, which can only be suppressed by force, only by force, plus internal conflicts, it must be understood that iranian clans among themselves are at odds with each other the top of the islamic republic, and let's say now, when it comes to ayatollah khameneni is in dire straits, and there is always the question of who will be his successor. let's say the current president raisi, or the former president ravsanjania, ugh, who is considered a much more cautious, moderate person, on whose side will be the islamic revolutionary guard corps, who will be supported by the army, then these people may want to kill each other, using their own some opportunities, their own connections with the special service of the opposition, and this is a complicated story, but again, why us we are surprised by this, well, let me remind you again that... we don't know much abou