. >> reporter: some peopleal told us they had stayed away in years past because of the cold. >>> thousandtholics marked this holy day at the vatican where they listened to the pope's christmas address. spread mercy in a world torn by war. pope francis touched on that theme today while speaking to crowd under heavy security at st. petersburg square. he also issued consolation to christians being persecuted for their faith. ♪ archbishop charles and local catholics celebrated christmas mass at the cathedral besiasili at saint peters. >>> kate may coast guard recruits far away from home enjoyed a christmas dinner and phone calls with family in mill vill comberland county. they hosted a dinner for more than 70 recruits over 500 -- 50 volunteers showed up to cook and serve food. buses and most of the food were donated. at&t donated phones so the recruits from all over the country could call home. >> we're hoping that they just enjoy their christmas because they're away from their families. >> this is the first year that they have hosted christmas dinner. they're hoping to make it an annual trad