too often americans are at the mercy of the insurance companies when it comes to paying peopleus and out-of-pocket costs and deduct ibles. while i commend the growing efforts to increase transparency, for the most part consumers have little idea how much procedures cost, where premium dollars go and whether you are getting the best value for your dollar. a public health insurance option would serve as a benchmark competitor for premiums, for administrative costs an benefits packages. a strong hubbell health insurance option is consistent with the private health market. we have several insurers who operate in my home state of wisconsin that provide great health coverage to their beneficiaries. responsible insurers should have no problem competing with a public insurance option on the merits of their plan. but a strong public health insurance option will provide a powerful incentive for less responsible insurers to reevaluate their own cost sharing an benefit plans to ensure that they're an attractive option for consumers, and there's another benefit of a public health insurance option